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The Dragon's Head Blog

Mesiac osteoporózy

Mesiac osteoporózy

V 54 rokoch, keď som cvičila umenia Taoist Tai Chi® 6 mesiacov, mi merali hustotu kostí. Teraz mám 66 a lekár ma poslal na nové vyšetrenie. S pribúdajúcim vekom môžeme očakávať znižovanie hustoty kostí. Výsledky ma veľmi potešili: hustota kostí v krížovej chrbtici mi stúpla o 8.1% a v krčku ľavej stehennej kosti o 5,3%. Teraz mám […]
Udržiavanie kontaktov

Udržiavanie kontaktov

Virtuálne stretnutia mi pomáhajú zostať spoločensky aktívnou, pomáhajú mi prekonať izoláciu. Hoci pri nich nič nehovorím, mám príležitosť vidieť ostatných. Počúvam ich príbehy, učenie, to mi poskytuje útechu a preto sa sa cítim lepšie. Prináša mi to pocit úľavy a radosti.
Sviatok Goon Yam

Sviatok Goon Yam

Dnes členovia Inštitútu taoizmu Fung Loy Kok z celého sveta chantovali, aby vzdali úctu Goon Yam (Guanyin) bodhisattve súcitu. Goon Yam nás inšpiruje, aby sme v sebe pestovali súcit. Keď ju oslavujeme chantingom, naším úmyslom je priniesť viac pokoja a harmónie celému svetu. 
Povedomie o rakovine prsníka

Povedomie o rakovine prsníka

Rakovinu prsníka som mala dvakrát, raz predtým ako som začala cvičiť umenia Taoist Tai Chi® a raz potom. Prvýkrát som mala problémy s napnutosťou a zjazvením, a kvôli tomu som mala problémy s pohybom. Keď sa mi rakovina vrátila druhýkrát, moje zotavenie bolo oveľa rýchlejšie, lebo cvičenie umení Taoist Tai Chi® ma udržalo pružnejšou a ohybnejšou. Vďaka nemu sa […]
Mám pocit, že konečne robím niečo sama pre seba

Mám pocit, že konečne robím niečo sama pre seba

  Mám pocit, že konečne robím niečo sama pre seba, odpútam sa od každodenného zhonu a všetkých povinností. Považujem to za luxus, ktorý si môžem dopriať. Potom sa cítim pokojnenšia, spokojnejšia so sebou (!) a pripravená na bežné fungovanie.  Basia, Varšava –Poľsko Pociťujem radosť, keď chantujem spolu s ostatnými. Radosť z toho, že patrím k tým […]
a set-saver on the wall

a set-saver on the wall

I work in an Epidemiology Department so, from the very beginning, the lock-down found me in so called smart working, meaning working at home with a big load, many hours a day, seven days a week. Tense and tired, I started practicing foundations, every now and then during the day, just to stretch and slow […]
Italy, first intensive of 2020

Italy, first intensive of 2020

In Florence last Saturday, after sharing the joy of practice in an intensive, the evening ended with a very Italian Tiramisù prepared by a member, to participate in the launch of the Society 50th anniversary!     Best wishes to all of us, lucky heirs of Master Moy’s teachings, all around the world 
Demonstrations in Rennes – France

Demonstrations in Rennes – France

We had the chance to spend a half day of demos and discussions with people in the beautifull “Parc du Thabor” in the city of Rennes. The day began with a potluck lunch and the setting up of the booth. We had the opportunity to make several demos in this peaceful place and thanks to […]
International Senior’s Day in Brussels

International Senior’s Day in Brussels

    International Senior’s Day celebrates the end of the 5th season of partnership between the Taoist Tai Chi Society of Belgium and the City of Brussels. The program included free introduction class, demos of the set, standing and seated, and foundations. On a beautiful sunny day, passers-by and seniors could simply follow the flow […]
Harmony in Essex

Harmony in Essex

Essex is a county in Great Britain where many people practise Taoist Tai ChiTM arts. On Wednesday participants from South East Essex hired a coach and joined others in North East Essex for chanting and tai chi. Everyone enjoyed meeting up together and sharing lunch. We love to have people visit the Taoist Tai Chi […]
Awareness Day in the Netherlands

Awareness Day in the Netherlands

We just celebrated Awareness Day here in he Netherlands! Here are some of the aspects that we worked on last June 24th in Helmond, with participants from several branches: having fun, moving meditation, improving our quality of life, focusing on our attention, connecting both the inside and the outside world, enjoying being together, doing a demo in the city center to reach out to […]
Central Vancouver Island Regional Program in Vancouver

Central Vancouver Island Regional Program in Vancouver

Inspired by the example of Central Region hosting programs at the International Center in Florida, the Central Vancouver Island Branch organized a Regional Intensive at the Pacific Region Centre in Vancouver on Thursday, April 12. A bus-load of participants came by ferry to join a host of Vancouver participants in time to walk to a […]
Edmonton Sabre Program

Edmonton Sabre Program

It was an incredible experience coming together to learn the Sabre set in Edmonton, Canada.  There was an air of excitement and anticipation as 74 of us arrived. For most this would be the first time we would learn this set so we were beginners again, nervous yet eager. We learned that the connection comes […]
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