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The Dragon's Head Blog

Příležitosti v nepříznivé době

Příležitosti v nepříznivé době

Nepříznivá doba pandemie mi poskytla příležitost pochopit význam slov vědomý a důsledný, a to jak při cvičení, tak během chantingů a setkání na zoomu. To, co si předáváme, lze vyjádřit pomocí slov a emocí, jako je důslednost, trpělivost, uvědomování si, spojení, pozornost, pozorování, nechat to jít a mnoha dalších. Jelikož zbavit se svého ega, hrdosti, […]
To nejlepší v nejhorším

To nejlepší v nejhorším

Během prvních měsíců našeho individuálního tréninku jsem cvičila dost vysoké don-you. Tím se mi uvolnila oblast krční páteře a beder. Protože trávím spoustu času prací na počítači, byly tyto části těla ohrožené bolestí. 50 don-you se mi podařilo začlenit do mého každodenního cvičení a to mi vyhovuje. Don-you mě zbavila ztuhlosti svalů, která mě ráno […]
Co mi chanting přináší?

Co mi chanting přináší?

Před zahájením chantingu mě zaplaví pocit klidu a míru. Tento pocit vnitřního pokoje, ale zároveň síly, přetrvává i po jeho skončení. Obvykle chantuji na kolenou. Tato pozice mi pomáhá uvolnit boky a nemám tak žádné bolesti. Když sedím, bolí mě trochanter. Cítím také velké protažení v zádech, břiše a na přední straně stehen. Mám lepší […]
Growing through the pandemic

Growing through the pandemic

My experience these past nine months has been of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual growth. On March 13th we were confined. I have a 12-year-old boy and a 15-year-old girl with special needs, quite an experience. I would get up at 6 in the morning to practice Tai Chi. It was my moment of peace, […]
I’m grateful to the Society

I’m grateful to the Society

I am 75 years old. I have been doing tai chi for seven years, but a year ago I had to stop attending classes because I am taking care of my husband, with senile dementia. Thanks to the years that I have been doing tai chi, today I can say that I am doing quite […]
Devoting time to improve my health

Devoting time to improve my health

I had been practicing more or less regularly, but I did it as a kind of homework: I practiced what I had seen at a class, at a workshop or a correction I had received. Lockdown began and with it my fear of getting infected, the uncertainty about the future and sadness about what was […]
The fog has lifted

The fog has lifted

Before the pandemic I did not practice every day and when I did, it was in most cases for physical reasons. When the confinement began I felt fear, anguish and anxiety, I do not know in what order. I felt as if I had a fist inside that  imprisoned the viscera and did not leave […]
International program in the Southern European Center with banquet of the Chinese New Year

International program in the Southern European Center with banquet of the Chinese New Year

It was a splendid banquet and we were honored with the attendance of several representatives from different countries and associations of the field of health, all that in a festive and cheerful atmosphere. Both the organization and the realization of the banquet were carried out by volunteer members from thirteen different countries. We also had […]
Spanish quince for Florida

Spanish quince for Florida

One more autumn, an enthusiastic group of Spanish members have prepared 125 containers of sweet quince „Florida“. More than 30 kilos contributed by members to which we have added sugar and a lot of love. Buy or reserve your container now! Remember that the funds raised will go to the project of the International Center […]
Special day in Mallorca (Spain)

Special day in Mallorca (Spain)

To finish the summer classes in Mallorca (Spain) we have organized a special day starting with a workshop customizing t-shirts and another workshop of Mahjong, then a Tai Chi class, and finishing with a special dinner with shared food. It has been very interesting and sure we will repeat it.
Meeting of Instructors in Madrid, Spain

Meeting of Instructors in Madrid, Spain

We performed a demonstration of Taoist Tai Chi® arts, including Lok Hup Ba Fa, Sabre and also did a dragon dance in the centre of Madrid during the meeting of instructors from Spain, Portugal and Italy. Nearly one hundred people had the opportunity to deepen the knowledge of these arts. This is the dragon dance […]
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