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The Dragon's Head Blog

Hledání harmonie 3

Hledání harmonie 3

Lisbeth W. z kostarické pobočky cvičí oprášení kolene na pláži Manuel Antonio na Tichomořském pobřeží Kostariky.  Pošlete mi prosím fotografie, jak praktikujete Taoistické tai chiTM – ideálně s místní pamětihodností na pozadí, anebo jiným údajem o poloze –, své jméno, název pobočky, a souhlas s publikováním na adresu blog.usa@taoist.org. Uveřejnění nemůžeme zaručit, ale budeme se […]
Co pro mě Taoist Tai Chi<sup>®</sup> znamenalo v posledních letech?

Co pro mě Taoist Tai Chi® znamenalo v posledních letech?

Novinky spojené s pandemií mě i ostatní zasáhly jako vědro studené vody. Jsem velmi bázlivý člověk a podléhám stresu, a protože moje dcery žijí na venkově, kde byl od začátku počet nakažených ohromný, cítila jsem velikou úzkost a měla jsem obavy. Protože jsem musela zrušit plánovanou návštěvu svých dcer, zůstal mi chanting, který jsme každý […]


Chtěla bych se podělit o svoji zkušenost z této doby a vyjádřit se k některým bodům ze sobotních setkání, které mě napadly: „V těžkých časech vznikají příležitosti…“. Je to pro mě skvělá příležitost naučit se více o Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism. Učení a doporučení mi pomohla duchovně růst, najít disciplínu a větší rovnováhu, […]
All Souls Festivals in Costa Rica

All Souls Festivals in Costa Rica

  Throughout the period of All Souls Festivals we have offered chanting opportunities and held two day events to align with each of the three Festivals held at the International Centre, Wong Dai Seen Temple and at D’Arcy Street this month.  Joining with others around the world we came together to provide help to those […]
First National Taoist Tai Chi Workshop in Costa Rica

First National Taoist Tai Chi Workshop in Costa Rica

A weekend practicing Taoist Tai Chi is a gift like few others. Sharing, enjoying and working together to improve our health are some of the activities we were able to experience the past Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th of March in Costa Rica; a weekend to experience more of this wonderful practice inherited by Master […]
Watching Change Minute By Minute in  Costa Rica

Watching Change Minute By Minute in Costa Rica

Last month, in a tranquil social atmosphere, we had an opportunity to make the profundity of Taoist Tai Chi® arts available to 50 people in our satellite in Tibás, San José, capital of Costa Rica. Through an Intensive, a lunch and a talk about Physiology and Taoist Tai Chi® practice, we could see the connections […]
Fung Loy Kok Day in Costa Rica

Fung Loy Kok Day in Costa Rica

Last Sunday 24 participants gathered at the club to share a day of chanting, meditation, tai chi sets, cleaning our home, preparing food and sharing together. It was an opportunity to experience the benefits of the integrated training in the Taoist Tai Chi® arts Master Moy brought us.  We explored chanting, both standing and kneeling, […]
International Program in Costa Rica

International Program in Costa Rica

Last month we celebrated our two-day international program in Costa Rica that included participants from the Czech Republic, Great Britain and the United States of America. We’re in opposite sides of the world but it’s the same training, and we share some of the same mistakes as well! The workshop is different than what we’re […]
Fung Loy Kok at Religious Freedom Symposium in Costa Rica

Fung Loy Kok at Religious Freedom Symposium in Costa Rica

On Friday, June 9th, 2017 we were able to attend an international symposium about the challenges of religious freedom in Costa Rica, following a formal invitation by the parliament. Several representatives of different religions, including Catholicism, Christianism, Judaism, Mormonism, Baha’i Faith, Islam, Buddhism and also two members of the Taoist Tai Chi Society representing Taoism […]
Chanting for Health in Costa Rica

Chanting for Health in Costa Rica

During the last fortnight we were fortunate to have two opportunities to explore chanting for health in two-hour sessions on Saturday afternoons. We chant sutras twice a week at the clubhouse, but these sessions provide another type of opportunity to gain an introduction to these arts. For some it was the first experience of chanting […]
The Depth Of Simplicity in Costa Rica

The Depth Of Simplicity in Costa Rica

How many times have we heard elbows down? How many times have we heard push up or hands first? Not enough we hope, as there is always more. There is a profoundness in the simplicity of instruction that can help connect the dots of what we have been working on during a period of time. […]
Taichiathon in Costa Rica

Taichiathon in Costa Rica

The last Thursday of 2016 a group of Costa Rican participants came together for an activity we had not organised before.   Inspired by the example of the Taoist Tai Chi© family in Ireland, we organised a get-together where we did continuous sets from 1 pm – 9 pm as a fundraiser for the Fenway […]
Christmas Party in Costa Rica

Christmas Party in Costa Rica

There is nothing more rewarding during the holiday season than giving back to those in need. Our Christmas party focuses on just that: working together to plan, prepare, donate and celebrate the festivities with the families we support throughout the year. Weeks before this special day, all members help donate groceries for the families to […]
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