Osteoporosis and Taoist Tai Chi™ arts

If you have been recently diagnosed or have had it for years, you know that osteoporosis can cause pain, increased risk of bone fractures and problems with alignment, balance, breathing and mobility. Over time it can affect your energy and your enjoyment of life.
Fortunately, Tai Chi helps people who have osteoporosis. With Taoist Tai Chi™ practice many people have found they can reduce pain, be more balanced and move more freely. Practitioners have stabilized bone density and even increased it along with height. In addition, people practicing Taoist Tai Chi™ arts find they have more energy and a feeling of lightness and well-being.
Move Confidently · Be Active · Find Strength
Related Reading
One Person’s Story of Improved Quality of Life through Taoist Tai Chi™ practice
My name is Philomena and I have been diagnosed with osteoporosis in my spine since 2014. I thought my independence was disappearing as my spine was so curved that I was in terrible pain and I had little sense of balance. My spirit was crushed and I was frightened. Despite this alien situation I could do my Taoist Tai Chi™ practice, and slowly the pain decreased.
Taoist Tai Chi™ arts have straightened my spine; in fact it’s more straight than it was before the spinal fractures arrived! With a straight spine there is less pain and less need for analgesics. I love the sense of freedom of movement which comes with the practice. It is paradoxical, with several weakened and poorly formed vertebrae, that my body should feel strong and powerful when practicing Taoist Tai Chi™ arts. It’s not only diligent practice of the form but the whole immersive experience of development within the organisation, as well as the rich heritage of chanting, that give never ending practical support to the body and the mind.
Taoist Tai Chi® practice Improves Bone Health
Through anecdotal evidence and scientific research we know that Tai Chi is good for our health. Here Dr. Tedeschini Lalli discusses how Taoist Tai Chi® arts activate the bones to increase calcium uptake.
What are participants with osteoporosis saying about Taoist Tai Chi® practice?
As a result of Taoist Tai Chi® practice, I am now pain free – no neck or back pain or migraines. My posture and balance are improving rather than deteriorating. I have not lost any of my height and am even slightly taller. I no longer feel like I even have an illness; rather I have a growing sense of well being that I never dreamed possible.
– Meiko, Canada
At 73 I am stronger physically, emotionally and spiritually then when I started Taoist Tai Chi® arts at 58. The muscles, ligaments and tendons in my back have realigned. I no longer need osteoporosis meds as my bone density has increased. My right ankle, badly sprained at age 17, has been corrected. I am ¾” taller! I have maintained my weight and my breathing has improved.
– Daniel, Canada
Several years ago I had a bone density scan. The results showed early to moderate osteopenia. I had been diagnosed with degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis and slight scoliosis in the past, and I was in debilitating pain, so this bone scan was particularly important, as it indicated bone loss that might lead to osteoporosis. Shortly thereafter I began Taoist Tai Chi® arts.
– Rose, Canada
Cultivate health and well-being with Taoist Tai Chi® arts

The whole body approach of Taoist Tai Chi® arts has a profound effect on all aspects of our health and well being. Mind, body and spirit are deeply nourished and transformed.
Taoist Tai Chi® practice involves a full range of motion with deep stretching and continuous turning of the spine. It exercises the whole physiology including muscular, skeletal and circulatory systems, as well as tendons, joints, connective tissue and organs, increasing strength, flexibility and resilience, whatever our condition. It is a form of moving meditation that has a penetrating and relaxing effect on the nervous system and the brain, reducing anxiety, lightening the spirit, calming and clearing the mind.
Experience Taoist Tai Chi® practice at a location near you.