Falls Prevention and Resilience with Taoist Tai Chi™ arts

Falls are a normal part of life yet we all know they can be life-altering events. Falls are especially devastating among older adults as they are a leading cause of hospitalization due to injury and a major reason for admission to a residential care facility. Fear of falling can itself affect our lives as we begin to avoid certain situations.
Tai Chi can prevent falls, improve balance and strength and increase mobility. With Taoist Tai Chi™ practice you feel more stable on your feet, increase your confidence, strength, resilience and stamina. It helps improve posture, alignment and balance and allows you to move more freely. With increased flexibility, even if you fall, there is less chance you will have a serious injury. In addition many people practicing Taoist Tai Chi™ arts have found a sense of lightness and well-being.
Be Balanced · Move Confidently · Be Active
What are participants saying about balance and falls prevention through Taoist Tai Chi® practice?
Taoist Tai Chi® arts stopped my falling.
– Hazel, USA
I was using a walker when I was introduced to Taoist Tai Chi® arts – 3 weeks later I was standing and taking part in all movements.
– Mary, Canada
Without Taoist Tai Chi® practice I would not be walking; I would be in a wheelchair full time. I was born with cerebral palsy affecting walking coordination and my vision. I use two canes and a wheelchair for long distances.
Taoist Tai Chi® practice has taught me to really focus, and feel more balanced mentally, physically and spiritually.
– Heather, Canada
Cultivate health and well-being with Taoist Tai Chi® arts

The whole body approach of Taoist Tai Chi® arts has a profound effect on all aspects of our health and well being. Mind, body and spirit are deeply nourished and transformed.
Taoist Tai Chi® practice involves a full range of motion with deep stretching and continuous turning of the spine. It exercises the whole physiology including muscular, skeletal and circulatory systems, as well as tendons, joints, connective tissue and organs, increasing strength, flexibility and resilience, whatever our condition. It is a form of moving meditation that has a penetrating and relaxing effect on the nervous system and the brain, reducing anxiety, lightening the spirit, calming and clearing the mind.
Experience Taoist Tai Chi® practice at a location near you.