The Dragon's Head Blog
South European Centre Madrid
First Taoist Tai Chi™ retreats in Europe since the pandemic
First Taoist Tai Chi™ retreats in Europe since the pandemic A sequence of Taoist Tai Chi™ retreats were held in the Southern European Center in Madrid. Participants from all over Europe gathered together and shared Mr Moy’s teachings about the Tao. The hall was alive with the vibrant joy of meeting old and new friends […]
International program in the Southern European Center with banquet of the Chinese New Year
It was a splendid banquet and we were honored with the attendance of several representatives from different countries and associations of the field of health, all that in a festive and cheerful atmosphere. Both the organization and the realization of the banquet were carried out by volunteer members from thirteen different countries. We also had […]
Program in the South European Center
A great day to start the international workshop in the South European Center with Andrew Hung and more than a hundred participants.
Ending the five-day workshop in the Southern European Center
We are in the last two days of this five-day workshop in Madrid. Today the weekend participants have joined. We have worked on the understanding of the Dan-yus with an emphasis on timing.
Continuing the International Program at the Southern European Center
We continue on the international program in the Southern European Center, we continue to deepen our understanding of the Taoist arts with the same varied and complete program: breakfast; Fung Loy Kok; lunch; Tai Chi; Dinner; Lok Hup.
International Program at the Southern European Center
Amazing starting day of the international program at the Southern European Center. We started with a Chanting session, followed by sitting meditation and two Tai Chi sets. After lunch we continued with a Tai Chi session, and after dinner it was time for Lok Hup. In short, Fung Loy Kok, Tai Chi and Lok Hup […]
Workshop in the Southern European Centre in Madrid
On the last day of the international tai chi workshop in the Southern European Centre (Madrid) we reviewed the concepts and movements practiced during the week. We would like to thank Andrew Hung, the workshop leader, for his input and helping us take our tai chi to a more internal level.
Workshop in the Southern European Centre
On the fourth day of the international tai chi workshop in the Southern European Centre in Madrid, Spain, twenty more members have joined us to participate during the weekend. We have reviewed the concepts worked the previous days, especially the balance and the circular movement (in turn, in spiral, in arc, etc.) and we visualized […]
A Helping of Tai Chi and Paella in Madrid, Spain
On the third day of the international cai chi workshop in the Southern European Centre in Madrid we started by remembering the importance of getting a great opening through the whole set. We have also worked on the turning in the final part of the set, and in danyus, all focusing on roundness. In the […]
Taoist Chants in the Southern European Centre
We started the second day of the International Tai Chi Workshop in the Southern European Centre in Madrid with Taoist chanting. Then we applied the principles discussed the day before (turns, arcs, expansion, etc.) to the first moves of the set and also worked on the “fan penetrates through the back” move. We also shared […]
Technology Bringing Us Closer
Thanks to technology we were able to make a set putting together people from the Southern European Centre in Madrid, Spain and a class at the International Centre in Orangeville, Canada, during the International Workshop taking place from March 21 to 25. Marsha in Canada and Andrew in Spain were able to observe the development […]
International Workshop at the Southern European Center in Madrid, Spain
The workshop is led by Andrew Hung and 86 members are participating. We have been working on expansion and compression, and the importance of intention in all the movements. In the sequence of moving hands as clouds and in the tor-yu we have applied the circular shape, and finally we have incorporated it in the […]
Finish Line for the Renovations at the Southern European Centre in Madrid, Spain
The renovations at the Southern European Centre are reaching the final stages. Visually there are not many changes from previous photos, as the last days’ action has been mainly in the different installations: gas, water, electricity, heating, fire. And then getting ready for September events…
Renovations Update from Southern European Centre
Renovations at the Southern European Centre have sped up. The photos show the progress in the different areas, including the new kitchen and dishwashing area, the wall between the hall and main dorm, the main dorm and the sewage system. As with any renovations, changes occur due to unexpected issues that arise. However, everything seems […]
Renovations Continue at the Southern European Centre in Spain
Monday 12th June was the first day the long-awaited renovations started. These first two days the work has been mainly demolition on the top floor. There is lots of noise and dust to put up with. But how great it will look in September!
Renovating the Southern European Centre
It was a busy weekend at the Southern European Centre: a rich intensive with around 30 members from different branches, followed by a refreshing and nutritious meal. And for the rest of the weekend, many helping hands to finish clearing things up so all the areas are ready for the renovations. But, of course, we still […]
Renovations at the Southern European Centre, Spain
Preparations are being made for the renovations to start in the next two weeks.
Day Five of International Training Program in Madrid, Spain
Joé Thibault has guided us during five days along a path of softness, lightness and elasticity. Today we have applied these aspects to different parts of the tai chi set. The members of the Taoist Tai Chi® family have shared tasks in a harmonious workshop aided by the energy and good humour of Joé. You […]
Day Four of International Training Program in Madrid, Spain
After having explained the equivalent principles of chanting and tai chi, we held a chanting session. Joé Thibault explored deepy the soft focus of tai chi, with progressive and elastic transitions. She focused on maximizing the expansion and relaxation in every movement without forgetting the intention in the hands and feet until finalizing each of […]
Day Three of International Training Program in Madrid, Spain
On the third day we began with chanting and then we worked on toryus, focusing on going all the way up and then dropping progressively. Later on we applied those same principles to the brush knee movement. After lunch we worked on donyus with the same intention, and then we applied it to the wave […]
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