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The Dragon's Head Blog: Summer Tai Chi Week at the International Centre in Orangeville

Summer Tai Chi week is no longer the best-kept secret at the International Centre, Orangeville. 186 international participants had the opportunity to upgrade their Tai Chi in significant ways with the help of International Instructor, Tony Kwong. All week long, the festive practice hall was abuzz with participants learning and practicing refinements to their foundations and the first half of the set. The challenge to change old habits and understand the movements in a different way gave us all the opportunity to deepen our practice.


The weather was perfect and the birds, insects and frogs (and occasional coyote) provided a backdrop for the practice. Many of the tasks to help look after our home here took advantage of the weather and participantsIMG_3233 could be found weeding gardens or grape fields.


The icing on the cake, so to speak, was the celebration of Tony’s birthday on the last evening of the program with cake and singing – the room was filled with good cheer and happy tummies.


Next stop…CIT week!


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