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The Dragon's Head Blog: Southwest Area Instructors Meeting, August 30, 2015

76 participants arrived at the Southwest Centre in Stratford, Ontario for chanting, pot luck lunch and a 3 hour meeting for all instructors in the SW area, including some from Europe and NZ, other locations in Ontario, and those who are not currently instructors.


We were led by Marsha Eberhardt and the SW Instructors Committee. Our theme for the day was “What happened at CIT week?” This led to a discussion of many topics, such as how we instructors are training so that we can help participants improve their health, by encouraging balance and talking about how the moves make us feel.

We talked about trusting what we hear and what we are asked to do. As suggested this requires being fearless and all felt, well worth striving to achieve. One way to practise fearlessness came from Dr. Karen Laughlin, Director of FLK, during CIT week. She encouraged us to talk in our locations about “The Talks” we had. We are fed by these talks and can use the stories we hear to inform our participants of what makes us unique as a group.

So as instructors we are opening the door to what we have available at our ‘smorgasbord’. To be able to share and improve ourselves we need to change our minds and continue to learn and develop. Just “Do It” was emphasized during the day!!!

John Huang shared a quote from Master Moy entitled The Three Hearts. Perhaps it will give us a good strategy to follow. 1. Trust with your heart. 2. Sincere learning with your heart. 3. Persist and continue learning with your heart.

Thank you to Marsha and all who helped to make the day such a great success..


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