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The Dragon's Head Blog: All Souls Festival observed in the Western Region, Canada

Accumulate virtue and continue to do good deeds.
Help people while they are living, comfort them while they are dying or after death.
Moy Lin Shin – May 1998

In keeping with Master Moy Lin Shin’s guidance, the All Souls Festival has been observed at the Calgary Centre between August 24th to 26th, 2018.

There were 12 chanting sessions in the this ceremony and 19 chanters. Sutras were chanted to benefit lost souls and paper money was rolled and burned in gift bags for the deceased. This was an opportunity to remember, honour, and assist families and friends who have passed away recently, or a long time ago. The kitchen crew was busy cooking jai (vegetarian) as this is the diet observed during the Festival. At the Closing Ceremony, there were over 120 who came for the Jai lunch, that had a good variety of delicious Jai dishes.

Participants and members of the Chinese community requested temporary memorial plaques, which were installed in the Memorial Hall to invite ancestors and loved ones to be present and cared for during the Festival.

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