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The Dragon's Head Blog: Cultivating health

On the 31 August over 400 members gathered in London, Edinburgh and Cardiff to celebrate Awareness Day. 

Across these three cities we demonstrated how unity, harmony and health are cultivated in every aspect of our Taoist practice. 

Many volunteers worked together to coordinate the event, organising coaches, water, t-shirts and promotional materials, keeping together and sharing experiences afterwards.

The weather gods shone on us, with the skies staying clear in Cardiff; the rain clearing in Edinburgh just before the first set began; and the rain holding off until the final set was completed in London.

Afterwards, everyone was exhilarated by the joyous feeling of spending a day playing Taoist Tai Chi on such a scale. Those who travelled on coaches particularly spoke of the fun and adventure of the journey shared with tai chi friends. 

In London, 250 members displayed the Taoist Tai Chi arts on the green grass of Greenwich Park before the classical seventeenth century Queen’s House with the modern towers of Canary Wharf rising in the distance. 

Passers-by, family and friends gathered around to watch, appreciating the feelings of calm and relaxation emanating from the group as it moved in harmony.

Cardiff’s civic foreshore was on display with the glass Senedd National Assembly for Wales and stone Pierhead Building setting the backdrop for the sixty-five members who gathered for the days events.

Arthur’s Seat and the sixteenth-century Palace of Holyrood House were the setting for members taking part in Edinburgh.

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