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The Dragon's Head Blog: Chanting at 2 am – 'I was transported to another world’

New Zealand has been in a strict lockdown for a month – some participants have shared photos and reflections on their Taoist Tai Chi practice during this time.

„At 2.00 am on Sunday morning (New Zealand time) I was fortunate and honoured to tune into the chanting organised by Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism in Canada. Members from around the world connected via Zoom and this brought home to me the truth that we are one family. Incense was  lit and  chanting began. I was transported to another world – it was beautiful. If I’m not mistaken there were over 600 members participating – amazing. I’d like to say thank you to the organisers. Being a night owl has its advantages for sure.”


„I did a really slow set the other day, might even have taken close to an hour to get through. I got lost a couple of times, even lost my balance a couple of times, but was fascinated by the process. I was concentrating on the stretch and turn of my spine in every move. Several times I felt my whole body open and ‘allowed’ it to expand. I could feel tendons and muscles, even nerve endings extended to their limit. During these times I felt energy flowing through me as joy. Really difficult to explain but amazing!                                                                    After the set I had to sit down, my legs were shaky and I was exhausted. But I still felt amazing. It was interesting to note during the set that snippets from workshops past kept popping into my head, even from as far back as 10 years ago. Suffice it to say, I am really enjoying my lockdown tai chi journey. The process of discovering, and allowing, my body and my energy to expand and flow continues …”

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