The Dragon's Head Blog: Celebrating Forty Years at Bathurst Location in Toronto, Canada
This year the Bathurst location in Toronto, Canada celebrates its fortieth anniversary of practicing Taoist Tai Chi® arts in this location. We are fortunate that Master Moy settled in Toronto, Canada when he came to the west to share these arts. The first locations where he taught these arts were rented sites and the Bathurst location was the first building ever purchased by the society. We marked this fortieth anniversary by performing forty sets in a row. We opened the doors so that we could start our first set at 7:00 am and planned to finish our last set at 7:00 pm. A leader was selected to ensure we kept on track to perform the forty continuous sets in the allotted twelve hours. A chart was set up on the mirrored wall to record each set’s ending.

People who knew Master Moy joined those who just started practicing tai chi this year. One participant stayed from 9:00 am until the last set and more than one person in attendance performed more than ten sets. At the end of the marathon of forty sets there were approximately forty people who stayed to enjoy a meal and share stories of their experiences at the location.

We thank those participants who came from across the Greater Toronto Area to celebrate with us. The participants at the Bathurst location look forward to the future where we will continue to further Master Moy’s vision and to further the aims and objectives of the Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism.