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The Dragon's Head Blog: The feeling is more important than the form- International program in Lamballe, France

 We were over 120 members attending the program led by Andrew Hung on 16-18 March.

Andrew gave us many precious and precise instructions to explore and work on the lengthening of the spine and the full circles.

The wind and rain were violent outside the building but we were hot inside while looking for the toryus and the coiling in the set.

A member talked about her feeling: « Looking for internal feeling is very tiring because of the high level of focus required, but it contributes to create a positive and warm atmosphere between us »
Another one: « The workshop isn’t only the practice of the form, but also the opportunity to meet many people and to share our experiences of the practice with an open heart »

The conclusion goes to Andrew: « Enjoy your practice and continue to learn. The aim for each of us is to improve our feeling »

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