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The Dragon's Head Blog: Tai Chi heatwave in Colchester, GB

There was a Tai Chi heatwave in the UK as over one-hundred-and-fifty participants gathered for the five-day International Programme in Colchester. 

The heat truly was a friend, as it softened muscles, tendons and ligaments, enabling everyone to work more deeply into their bodies through the danyu and toryu. The heat also worked to slow our brains, helping us to let go, mentally as well as physically.

There was a focus was the stories and teachings of Master Moy, in all their depth and simplicity; and participants taking the time to listen for and feel the push from the feet and the internal chi connection.

After two days of 30+ degree heat, a cool change came in, offering relief to all. Feeling refreshed, participants then began to translate the continuity and connections from the foundations into the Single Whip and Chop with Fist.

The days began with chanting and vegetable chopping, and in the evenings there was a change of pace with the opening moves of Lok Hup Ba Fa. In all of these arts and practices the principles gifted to us by Master Moy were to be found.

Saturday saw over thirty additional participants join the programme, and the opportunity for the repetition and reinforcement of what had been learned so far. This time also enabled further reflection on the teachings of Master Moy and the changes felt in our bodies over the five days.

The National AGM was a suitably succinct affair, with various short presentations allowing reflection on the activities of the Society in 2018. Of particular note was a call to acknowledge and appreciate the small success that collectively build towards Master Moy’s vision of a Taoist Tai Chi centre in every town across the UK and the world.

By the end of day five everyone had been transformed by these incredible arts and felt a deeper connection to Master Moy and all that he taught and stood for.

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