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The Dragon's Head Blog: ’Pray for Mexico Please’ – Checking Participants’ Safety After Earthquake

There has been much devastation and loss of life in Mexico due to a 7.1 earthquake. We send all good thoughts to them. Below is a series of recent emails between the USA and Mexico:


Such a devastating experience for all of you. Earthquakes are so unpredictable.
We are very worried about what has happened and what is happening. Hopefully one of you can communicate with us and let us know everyone is okay.
We are thinking of you and your safety.



Dear Pegoty,

Thank you so much for your letter. We hardly believe that today’s earthquake happened on the same date of the devastating one 32 years ago.
Mexico is a huge city, so some areas were affected more that others. For example, a building at San Luis Potosi & Medellin, just in front of our previous location,totally collapsed.
I have contacted several friends of the Mexican Association and they were alright, although very impressed.
Government officials & volunteer citizens as well are taking care of the people in danger.

We need your prays.  Thank you for your support.



Dear Pegoty,

We are accounting.
I have not heard from many but we have a telephone tree and are doing our best. Many neighborhoods are with no electricity, phone, or internet, so we are riding bikes to check out.  I’ll keep you posted.
Our center is not accessible. It has been seriously damaged.

Pray for Mexico please.


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