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The Dragon's Head Blog: One Hundred and Eight Kindness Kits for Charity in Arizona

Participants from the Taoist Tai Chi Society from Arizona and Denver made 108 Kindness Kits for Circle the City.  Circle the City is a non‐profit community health organization dedicated to providing high quality, holistic healthcare to people experiencing homelessness in Arizona. These kits are distributed in parks and through other social service agencies as a way to raise awareness for medical services that Circle the City offers. Each kit included a pair of socks, deodorant, chapstick, sun screen, hand wipes/handsanitizer, a bottle of water, and a granola bar. In addition to these items $290 was collected to give to Circle the City to help promote their cause.

Our hearts were filled with holiday joy as we worked on one of the aims of our organization, namely, to help others.

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