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The Dragon's Head Blog: Mother’s Day Banquet on April 25, 2015 in Toronto

The Mother’s Day Banquet on April 25 in Toronto was a great success in bringing together 360 of our friends and family from all over Ontario and parts beyond.

This annual event gives us the opportunity to come together to celebrate, socialize and strengthen our connections to each other and the organization. Guests were greeted with Samba and serenaded with everything from tango to bluegrass by a variety of musicians, many making their debut that night. A highlight of the evening was a rendition of Volare in homage to karaoke don-yus.  Speeches were intertwined with music and dancing to provide an upbeat, energizing evening. Almost all of our guests, busy politicians and bureaucrats, stayed on for the entire banquet enjoying the atmosphere.

The feeling was warm and welcoming building on the tai chi high from those attending Summer Tai Chi week and the Central Region weekend.

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