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The Dragon's Head Blog: A Joyous Lantern Festival

Volunteers and staff prepared for the joyous Lantern Festival for days and weeks beforehand. The kitchen was busy into the night on Thursday so that Friday was not so hectic.

The lights blazing in the practice hall were a warm beacon all Friday night until Saturday dawned chill and bright and clear.

As visitors, guests and participants were greeted and seated, the chanters completed the lantern blessing ceremony. More than 470 people sat down for a delicious jai banquet at noon amidst the warm atmosphere of welcoming words from some of our leaders and music by our participants.

Afterwards more than 100 volunteers also sat down for jai,  while visitors took the time to explore the property and the merchandise on display. It was a full day of volunteering, lots of eating and the gift of an intensive in the early evening. We are so thankful to be part of this generous, culturally rich and strong organization.

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