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The Dragon's Head Blog: International Workshop and Intensives in Perth, Australia

What an amazing opportunity to immerse ourselves in the teachings.   Marsha Eberhardt, President of FLK, visited Perth, Australia recently to lead an international workshop and a series of international intensives in locations in and around the national centre in Bayswater.  We deepened our understanding of the Society and the way we do things.  Marsha encouraged us to relax, feel our feet and deepen the connections in our bodies as we practiced together. As the week progressed the connections between participants, locations, branches and countries within the society also deepened.

2017-02-28 21.34.33a2017-02-26 12.20.51a

Bayswater IWS Feb 2017Fremantle Intensive Feb 20172017-02-28 12.58.20bRockingham Lunch Menu

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