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The Dragon's Head Blog: Day One of CIT Week, 2017 in Orangeville

It’s like home, coming back home, and it’s very fun to meet again many people from all over the world who have come to the workshop.

This year I feel more the family aspect of the society. Really like everybody is together. It’s easy to speak to everybody and to work together.

When the directors have their meetings everybody can hear what they are speaking about; it’s more accessible, more open; more like father and mother explaining to everybody how the society works.

The practice — as usual — is amazing. The first set with 600 people was very nice and sweet, like a communion to say hello to people that we don’t often meet.

The only move that we practice today with Tony is the tor-yu, and I think I can personally work with what he explained to us for like a year or two.

I look forward to see over the next five days what he will show us, give us, offer us.

  — Julien Leboulanger, France

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