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The Dragon's Head Blog: Awareness Day Costa Rica 2015

On Saturday, September 5th, 2015, 30 club members came together in the morning at the main club in Heredia and for the first time rented a bus to go to the different locations to promote the arts to celebrate the Awareness Day. The objective was to visit five locations including three in towns were we have satellites; Tibás and Alajuela, so that we could support them and have presence in the community to help them grow, as well as locations in the Heredia area where the centre is.

Whether standing or seated, all of the members, including a few from the Health Recovery classes, participated in the demonstrations of the set and foundations, as well as in handing out information and talking to people, knowing they could all help in sharing and promoting the arts. Many of the members had never practiced outside of the club or in public places like squares, parks and farmers markets, so it was a great opportunity to practice the movements, adjust and be aware of the surroundings.

The last stop was back in the club to enjoy a homemade lunch that two members had been preparing the whole morning and another member had come in to set up the tables etc. After 6 hours of demos in the sun, it was especially rewarding for the participants to find the tables nicely set and an array of delicious dishes prepared for them, so while they were out sharing and giving to the communities, other people were taking care of them as well.

After lunch, images and videos of the International Awareness Day in Toronto were shared, to make the connection with our international family. For many members it was the first time they had ever participated in an event like this and one member shared that it had been one of the best days she had had all year.

The next morning we went back to San Rafael plaza, to do more demos for those finishing mass and visiting the weekly farmers market.

A lady with pain in her ribs and a very sad story joined in the practice and after a while asked for a bunch of fliers she wanted to hand out.

The pain had gone and she headed off expressing gratefully: „I came here very sad this morning and now I feel good”.

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