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The Dragon's Head Blog: Awareness Day in Bristol, Great Britain

For Awareness Day 2017 in Great Britain about 200 members gathered at Millennium Square in Bristol on a sunny August Bank Holiday Saturday.

26 Aug 2017 - Awareness Day, Millenium Square, Bristol GB


This year the dragon took to the square and paraded amongst the tai chi sets and the beautiful silver planetarium to the sound of our very own drumming team.

26 Aug 2017 - Awareness Day, Millenium Square, Bristol GB


For the first time we were able to use the big screen to show the moving meditation video which, together with some speeches and talks, provided a vibrant backdrop to the proceedings.



Many thanks to those who travelled from all the different branches in the Western and East Anglian Regions to take part and contribute so much to the day.  Well done all.

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