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The Dragon's Head Blog: 10 years since the Grand Opening on Dragon Tortoise Mountain

A decade ago I was appreciating a deep sense of privilege; the opening and closing of 10 altars each day, chanting 21 sutras over three days, sharing the event with guests from Fung Ying Seen Koon, Yuen Yuen, and Chi Wo Tan.  Mr Sung’s presence, advice, bright eyes and energy (102 years old at that time), Mr Tam’s tireless care and energy. The Society leadership looking after them all as Master Moy had taught, and providing the opportunities for us all to grow and share.

Particular moments for me included Mr Sung’s offering incense during the opening on Thursday morning; During the enlivening of the main Temple feeling part of the lineage stretching back and forward in time and being part of the start of something very special for future generations. The recognition of the Canadian Branch of the Chi Wo Tan and all that entailed for us as Fung Loy Kok and the organisation Master Moy had nurtured. The timing of the sun dogs was striking and another to add to the collection of stories around key events in our history.

Members engaging in the care and maintenance of the QCC complex and opening up to the next stage of involvement. During the weeks prior and days after the Grand Opening, everyone working together to look after the people on such a grand scale, all playing our part as the rich tapestry unfolded – a unique experience and a joy to share.

Now 10 years later we are gathering to celebrate all that the Grand Opening has led to and to reflect on how we have stewarded the gift Master Moy passed to us. It is a poignant and joyous time and the myriad of stories in these pages and shared during the coming weeks will bear testimony to the incredible scope of Master Moy’s vision and the care he took to ensure it would become a reality in all the training that he offered and glimpse of possibilities we are now working together to bring to fruition.

In the weeks prior to this gathering many new participants have been engaged in the preparations, working on the Centre and the planning, the gardens, the kitchen, the events – so many new faces being quietly guided by the more experienced hands to be able to “Look after the people”. Each year since the expansion it has been so, more opportunities to deepen our training, more people choosing to walk the path.

In sharing a presentation at the club this month, a slideshow of the Grand Opening and all that led up to it, I was minded that all but two of the participants in the club were not even in the Society at that time, yet the 150 are all enjoying the benefits as attested to in the recent Health Survey and all the help they offer in their communities. This is amplified around the world, with a few able to visit the Centre to broaden and deepen their understanding and take it back to their countries to help the next generation and sometimes have the joy of sharing with the next generation as the experiences unfold.

The expansion of the International Centre was not just another project,  it was in many ways a coming of age for the leadership who had taken on the responsibilities Master Moy had passed and since have worked tirelessly to make the path available for all who wish to walk it. The Dragon Tortoise Mountain is the place we come to re-centre and rededicate ourselves, to reconnect in the deepest of ways to the source and to find that which we need to take the Society forward wherever our area of practice and whatever our level of responsibilities. We are indeed inspired by the experiences of all who look after the Centre and all that happens there, whether they are able to stay for days or years. Many have become friends and several have already passed but all have left their contribution. Lives well lived, leaving the world a better place. We draw deeply from the well when we come in service and however small our part may be, the experiences are profound. The global family grows stronger and we are better able to watch the people and look after the people

The memories are rich; the opportunities to help in the HRC, this year celebrating 20 years of bringing relief and hope. The events, celebrations, festivals, looking after the grounds and all who come making the teachings and training available to all who wish to come. Watching our family members grow, honouring those who have passed in this time and looking to those developing – such a rich tapestry indeed.

I am minded of Mr Leung Leung Tak Wah’s (Fung Ying Seen Koon ) heartfelt words of profound acknowledgement at the Grand Opening as he witnessed what Master Moy had been able to bring – the living tradition of the Taoist Arts that now thrives on the mountain and beyond as those who come take their experience and reach out to their communities around the world.

My sense of privilege and gratitude continues to deepen.

Peter Turner, Costa Rica

Please send your stories and reflections on the expansion of the International Centre with the Three Religions Temple, The Hall of the Original Constellations (Dao Mo), the Memorial Hall, the Quiet Cultivation Centre practice hall, and the Meditation Suites to They may be used on the Tiger’s Mouth blog and in other publicity and promotional material.

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