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International Seniors Day
Denver Branch Hosts International Seniors Day Open House

Denver Branch Hosts International Seniors Day Open House

The Taoist Tai Chi Society ™  Denver Branch held its International Seniors Day Open House on November 17th. We had over sixty members and new friends enjoy a demonstration set, an introductory class with near full visitor participation, and then a light lunch of a hearty squash and red curry soup with focaccia bread provided by our kitchen volunteers. We finished our […]
Seniors’ Day and a flashmob in Budapest

Seniors’ Day and a flashmob in Budapest

The Taoist Tai Chi Society has joined the International Senior’s Day celebrations. On the 10th of November we gathered in Budapest to greet our senior members. The program started with a flashmob organized in one of the busiest downtown squares, where both participants and viewers enjoyed the movement in this unusual form. After the demo […]
Celebrating International Seniors Day in Great Britain

Celebrating International Seniors Day in Great Britain

Branches across the UK celebrated International Seniors Day with an array of Open Houses, coffee mornings and tea parties.  Demonstrations of our tai chi, presentations of the health benefits of Taoist Tai Chi TM practice and personal testimonials were shared with members and guests around the country; the emphasis being valuing older people and recognising […]
NYC Senior’s Day Celebration

NYC Senior’s Day Celebration

There is no age at which you don’t reap a benefit from practicing Tai Chi. And as all of us know, seniors seem to both gravitate to and stick with the practice and the culture of the Taoist Tai Chi Society of the USA,  reaping multiple benefits to both body and mind that help overcome […]
Seniors Week and International Seniors Day Celebrated at the International Center Florida

Seniors Week and International Seniors Day Celebrated at the International Center Florida

QUOTES FROM PARTICIPANTS IN INTERNATIONAL SENIORS WEEK, NOVEMBER 5-9, 2018   SENIORS WEEK PROGRAM:   My first workshop since starting in February this year.  Not too surprised to see so many seniors, but still amazed at their abilities.  Wonderful to have in-depth instruction and to participate in discussions on how we are individually being helped.  […]
County Commissioners recognize the Florida Keys Branch and International Day of the Senior

County Commissioners recognize the Florida Keys Branch and International Day of the Senior

On Wednesday, October 17, the Monroe County, Florida Board of County Commissioners presented the Florida Keys Branch with a proclamation recognizing  the Taoist Tai Chi Society for helping people improve their physical, mental and spiritual well-being for over 48 years and proclaiming Wednesday, November 7, 2018, as Taoist Tai Chi Fung Loy Kok International Day […]
International Senior’s Day in Brussels

International Senior’s Day in Brussels

    International Senior’s Day celebrates the end of the 5th season of partnership between the Taoist Tai Chi Society of Belgium and the City of Brussels. The program included free introduction class, demos of the set, standing and seated, and foundations. On a beautiful sunny day, passers-by and seniors could simply follow the flow […]
International Seniors’ Day Celebrations in Italy

International Seniors’ Day Celebrations in Italy

On Sunday October 1st we celebrated in almost all Italian branches International Seniors’ Day. We took Taoist Tai Chi® arts to some retirement homes and hosted a wonderful silver age choir in the Florence club. Many thanks to the seniors who welcomed us, and who gave an enthusiastic try at playing at tai chi.  They […]
International Seniors’ Day Celebration in Switzerland

International Seniors’ Day Celebration in Switzerland

On 1. October 2017 the Taoist Tai Chi Society of Switzerland celebrated International Seniors’ Day in Schaffhausen. All were looking forward to this day and enjoyed the organizing of it together. We worked together nicely and the guests that attended seemed very interested and comfortable at our event.   Everyone enjoyed the brunch, the demonstrations […]
International Seniors’ Day Event in New York City

International Seniors’ Day Event in New York City

On the first day of the month the New York City-based Tri-State branch hosted 62 guests and participants for our International Seniors’ Day event. We shared a fantastic brunch while watching live video feeds from 11 branches around the globe, an illustration of our international culture.  We all thoroughly enjoyed Dr. Nathan Goldstein’s presentation entitled In […]
International Seniors’ Day in Portland, Oregon

International Seniors’ Day in Portland, Oregon

The Portland, Oregon branch honored seniors with a breakfast and intensive on the morning of Sunday, October 1st.  Our fabulous kitchen team presented a first-class breakfast to 90 participants and guests including many from senior activity and residential centers where we hold external classes. Volunteers created beautiful tables with lovely bouquets and our resident technical […]
International Seniors’ Day in Tallahassee, Florida

International Seniors’ Day in Tallahassee, Florida

The Tallahassee branch held their International Seniors’ Day celebration on Monday, October 2nd at the Tallahassee Senior Center.  We were joined by over 75 participants watching Taoist Tai Chi® demonstrations and participating in mini-lessons on the first moves of the set.  Home-baked cookies and other refreshments were served and enjoyed by all. One of our long-standing members […]
Celebrating with Seniors in Great Britain

Celebrating with Seniors in Great Britain

Branches and locations around Great Britain have been taking the message to the people:  Taoist Tai Chi® arts are a great defence against the problems of aging. There are more pictures on the matter from around Great Britain on Twitter @TaoistTaiChiUK.  For now, here are three towns beginning with the letter B.   Bedford — Tea and […]
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