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The Dragon's Head Blog

Taoist Tai Chi helps with “very grim” Parkinson’s challenge

Taoist Tai Chi helps with “very grim” Parkinson’s challenge

Simple activities like putting on a coat were becoming a challenge for Assunta Scaini as she struggled with the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease such as constant tremors, stiffness, fatigue, poor balance and frequent falls. Assunta started practicing Taoist Tai Chi in Toronto 30 years ago. Within just a few weeks she started to feel good again […]
Development surge underway in downtown Dunedin

Development surge underway in downtown Dunedin

Meanwhile, a short distance south of downtown, the Taoist Tai Chi Society is deep into its formidable rehabilitation of the 1920s era Mediterranean-style Fenway hotel property on Edgewater Drive (Alternate 19) it bought three years ago for $2.8 million. The interior has been gutted and the structure is being reinforced where needed, society President Pegoty Packman […]
Brightening up a grey summer

Brightening up a grey summer

Awareness Day in East Anglia, Great Britain, August 29 2015           A meal and an intensive on Friday night, then chanting, jai and Awareness Day on Saturday, the one day of the week it didn’t rain, made for a full and enjoyable weekend. We accompanied a rock concert in the park […]
Reaching out the Portuguese Speaking Community in Greater Toronto Area

Reaching out the Portuguese Speaking Community in Greater Toronto Area

Over the last years the Portuguese Association has been continuously sending information about the International Awareness Day (IAD) to the Portuguese Language Media of Toronto. The objective has been to reach out  the considerably big Portuguese Speaking Community resident in Greater Toronto Area. In 2011 the contact with the Consulate General of Portugal in Toronto opened […]
Medical Students Try Taoist Tai Chi® Arts

Medical Students Try Taoist Tai Chi® Arts

The Taoist Tai Chi Society of Australia was delighted to partner with the Global Health Conference (GHC) organized by the Australian Medical Students Association in Perth in August 2015. GHC is the flagship global health event for medical students from Australia, New Zealand and the Asia Pacific. More than 650 delegates attended the event.  We […]
The program must go on …

The program must go on …

A morning-long power cut didn’t stop 61 participants continuing to benefit from a lok hup program at the International Centre. As the light darkened in the Quiet Cultivation Centre practice hall, program leader Chris Lewis suggested we take our lok hup outside. Centre staff and volunteers also kept everything working, serving breakfast and lunch despite […]
Prime of Your Life Day at the Clark County Fair

Prime of Your Life Day at the Clark County Fair

On August 12th, the Vancouver, WA location/Portland Branch enjoyed hosting a booth at the  Prime of Your Life Day at the Clark County Fair.  The orange BALANCE banner flew all 10 days of the fair visible to over 270,000 attendees.  Members from Washington State and Oregon enjoyed doing a stage demo and were still smiling […]
First International Workshop in Switzerland

First International Workshop in Switzerland

On June 27-28, we had the opportunity to hold a first international workshop in Switzerland. We feel really privileged to have had the chance to experience such a nice adventure. Thank you! From the very beginning, the workshop planning conveyed a nice “working together” and “helping each other” spirit within the organization team. Very rapidly, […]
Awareness Day in Bristol, UK

Awareness Day in Bristol, UK

50 Taoist Tai Chi Society participants from 3 different branches took part in the Awareness Day celebrations in Millennium Square in central Bristol.  Sparkling summer sunshine, combined with a vibrant part of Bristol city, provided a perfect setting for the display.  Many flyers for local classes were handed out, and it was perhaps our most […]
Daddy, daddy, there’s a dragon

Daddy, daddy, there’s a dragon

That was the cry from a small boy looking from a hotel room down on to Toronto’s Yonge-Dundas Square during International Awareness Day. In fact there were two dragons, politicians, Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism directors and hundreds of participants in the square. The participants all wore bright yellow t-shirts which glowed in the […]
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