The Dragon's Head Blog
Offering of Thanks to Deities for the Blessings of the Year (Chau San 酬神)
As we prepare for Chinese New Year, participants gathered together to chant the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sutra to express their gratitude to all the deities for the blessings we have received over the past year.
Cycles of Nature
Cultivating balance: finding harmony with the cycles of nature by paying respect to our Chinese zodiac animal.
The Many Languages of Happy New Year
Happy New Year from participants around the world!
Happy Lunar New Year!
Happy Lunar New Year in this year of the dragon!
Festival of the Lord of the Third Season
Participants of Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism gathered to chant the Three Seasons Scripture to commemorate the Festival of the Lord of the Third Season, also known as the Lord of the Water Realm.
Goon Yam Festival
Fung Loy Kok participants from around the world chanted to celebrate and be inspired by Goon Yam (Guanyin), the bodhisattva of compassion.
All Souls Festival #14 All Souls Conclusion
Throughout the vast worldMay there be no anxiety and no hindrance.The cycles of death and life go on;What else could there be?
All Souls Festival #13 Caring at the Heart
Caring is at the heart of Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism. It is deeply felt at All Souls Festival when a thousand people from 26 countries join live chanters to chant for the world and for those who have passed away. Chanting also deeply benefits those who chant.
All Souls Festival #12 Honouring and Aiding
There is a Chinese saying “When the dead are at peace, then the living shall prosper.” All Souls Festival gives the living an opportunity to express filial piety, harmony and dedication.
All Souls Festival #11 Goon Yam Precious Announcement
Goon Yam, Deity of Compassion, cares for all.
All Souls Festival #10 Wisdom of the Sutras
All Souls Festival gives souls a chance to listen to the wisdom of the sutras chanted during the days of the festival and become free by resolving any attachments, entanglements, or conflicts they had during their lifetimes.
All Souls Festival #9 Troubled Souls
Chanting during All Souls Festival brings peace to troubled souls who have died tragically. Our special offerings for these souls help them find release from their suffering.
All Souls Festival #8 Harmony
We all have a relationship with our ancestors. All Souls Festival provides a way to care for and maintain harmony with them.
All Souls Festival #7 Preparing for All Souls Festival
As we prepare for All Souls Festival we compose ourselvesWe approach the tasks with respectful intention
All Souls Festival #6 Beautiful Bags
All Souls Festival gives the living an opportunity to express filial piety, harmony and dedication by honouring ancestors, relatives and friends who have passed away.
All Souls Festival #5 Volunteers
At this time of year the temples bustle with activity. Volunteers at the Fung Loy Kok International Centre prepare for the All Souls Festival. They wash fruit, prepare jai vegetarian food as offerings and fill bags with paper offerings.
Wong Ling Goon Festival
As a powerful deity, Wong Ling Goon used the teachings to transform himself so that his strength would protect the path of Taoism. Today Fung Loy Kok participants from around the world chanted to celebrate Wong Ling Goon, the Guardian of the Tao.
All Souls Festival #4 Commemorating Loved Ones
More than 1600 bags of offerings are prepared for the deceased. They are filled with over 220,000 pieces of paper money folded by many volunteers. In the temple’s memorial hall 1,300 plaques are installed to commemorate loved ones who have passed.
Goon Yam Festival
Today Fung Loy Kok participants from around the world chanted to celebrate and be inspired by Goon Yam (Guanyin), the bodhisattva of compassion. Our intention is to bring greater peace and harmony to the world.
All Souls Festival #3 Care Offerings
In traditional Taoist belief, souls of the dead continue to need care from those in the world of the living. Offerings to them include items for daily use such as food, shelter, clothing and money.
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