The Dragon's Head Blog: “Let go and trust”
In March, eighty participants traveled from all over New Zealand to take part in a one-day Retreat hosted by the Wellington branch, which was also a celebration marking 30 years of Taoist Tai
Chi™ arts for their Branch. A cake-cutting ceremony was held, with bubbles for a toast. The
festivities continued in the evening with a formal and delicious banquet, and congratulatory
speeches from our National President, invited dignitaries, and others. Our honoured guests
included Green Party MP the Hon Julie Anne Genter, who spoke about living in harmony with
nature, and Hutt City Councillor Glenda Barratt, who relayed to the Society the best wishes and
congratulations of the Mayor and Council on our achieving 30 years practice in the Wellington
community. Sunday was devoted to our Leaders in Training — we practiced, listened and discussed his
Here are some comments from those who attended the Retreat and training:
I thought I was good – now I am better.
I found a deep opening especially in my upper body – level eyes.
Connectedness, acceptance, wholeness of the group.
Smaller circles.
I understood the giving of the mind something to do.
Look into the distance – just let go. Softening my gaze allows my Tai Chi to be softer.
Let it go, let it happen. Let go and trust.
En“lightening”. I became more aware of balance when I was gazing ahead.
Through the softness you can find connection.
Foundations, then moves, then more foundations, more moves, worked really well for me.
Expand rather than lean.
Soft dan-yu – timing is everything.
Keeping my head in line with my spine kept everything soft and connected. Glorious.
It was a great opportunity to see the Society through the eyes of new people.
When I return to a session after the Retreat folks will say: Tell us what has changed. I will reply ME.