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The Dragon's Head Blog: Tri Branch Anniversary Celebration and Central Region Program June 27, 2015 at the Horse Shoe Centre

politicians and cake cutting

96 participants came together to celebrate the Anniversaries of Hamilton 40th, Oakville 35th, and Burlington 30th  these branches are part of the Horseshoe area of Central Region.

Marsha Eberhardt, President of the Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism, National and International Director, lead the instruction by asking the question “What is Tai Chi?” We were invited to let go of our own opinions and playfully discover renewed understanding of the Taoist arts. We worked with the Tor Yu foundation in groups and were helped to apply our practice to the set.

 In the ceremonies before lunch, four area politicians brought jovial greetings, including Mr. Malcolm Allen MP Welland, Mr. Wayne Gates, MPP Niagara Falls and Ward three councilors, Mike Britton and Sal Sorrento.

 Marsha spoke about the Fung Loy Kok and reminded us that the stories we share knit us together. Susan Arthur brought greetings from the National Board of Directors of New Zealand .  Susan Lundy and Barb Taylor brought greetings from the Central Region Management Committee.

 Each of the three Branches celebrating anniversaries shared a brief history of their growth, we collaborated well to prepare for this celebratory program. Participants enjoyed a delicious potluck lunch and the day ended with a Chinese cuisine buffet dinner. What an uplifting day!

 Collectively we raised $11,915 from the Central Region program, donations are designated to FLK Projects Fund and at this time all monies raised are being used to support the Fenway project.

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