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The Dragon's Head Blog: Celebrating with Seniors in Great Britain

Branches and locations around Great Britain have been taking the message to the people:  Taoist Tai Chi™ arts are a great defence against the problems of aging.

There are more pictures on the matter from around Great Britain on Twitter @TaoistTaiChiUK.  For now, here are three towns beginning with the letter B.


Bedford — Tea and Cakes Seniors Day at the Memorial Hall facing  the High Street in Woburn Sands

23 Sep 2017 - Seniors Tea and Cake day, Bedford GB


Bristol — Part of the Celebrating Age Festival in central Bristol


Broughty Ferry — Ready for Seniors Open House, with invitations sent to councillors, MP’s, doctors, age-related charities, and residents of local retirement housing

26 Sep 2017 - Seniors Open House in Broughty Ferry GB


All this was in preparation for International Seniors Day  in Great Britain and around the world.


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