The Dragon's Head Blog: What have the Taoist Tai Chi® arts meant to me in the last year?

The news of the Pandemic, like it did for most people, came to me like a bucket of cold water. I am a very stressed and worried person and since my daughters are living in a country where the number of infections was overwhelming from the beginning, I was filled with anguish and concern. Faced with this eventuality, and having to cancel a planned trip to visit them, the only thing that has managed to give me peace and comfort are the chants that we practice every week. The opportunity given to us during these chants to ask for the health of people we love is also important. Those are moments that I look forward to and that help me to have peace of mind and expectation that everything will be fine. I am deeply grateful to the Organization for providing us with this opportunity both nationally and internationally.
On the other hand, I really miss the group and an instructor in front of me, to guide me in the movements, however, since I get up, I take advantage of every moment of the day and every place in the house, and in the middle of daily chores, I practice my donyus and the foundations, this definitely helps me to keep well physically. The philosophy of the Taoist Tai Chi® arts with the teachings of Master Moy comes into our lives to make us better people and give us a better quality of life. This is something that we must treasure and cultivate for the good of humanity. I look forward to the time when we can meet again and continue to learn more of these wonderful arts. My perennial thanks to my instructors and colleagues in Costa Rica, always ready to guide and help us on this wonderful path.