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The Dragon's Head Blog: Opportunity in Crisis

During the early days of “Stay home, protect the NHS, Save lives” my feelings of concern, uncertainty and worry were quite strong (due to being categorized in a vulnerable group).

However, I was very soon directed to the invitation to “do 50 dan yus a day for 50 days” which helped shift my focus and offered me the chance to help myself in a positive manner.

I realised that here, within this sense of crisis, was an opportunity

Knowing I could join so many others in accepting the invitation to practise at home helped me embark on a routine, and soon practice at home took on a different significance. The weekly contact we have via emails, conference calls, and chanting and the discussions which follow, enabled me to develop a deeper and wider understanding of the benefits of personal practice during this current health crisis.

To ensure the transformation continues, and to avoid a sense of sameness/staleness, new goals were set. This meant rising early, and on to a brisk walk and practising Taoist Tai Chi™ arts, followed by some moments for quiet reflection.

Now, I have an increasing sense of inner strength, calmness, stability, and a feeling that things in life are more balanced than they had been for some time!

I am now looking forward to the next 50 days and beyond, as I know the opportunity for further self-cultivation is possible and indeed available, to me. I am looking forward to working harder and wiser, to stay healthier and stronger for longer. Harry

3 Responses

  1. I agree with Harry about the opportunity. I was floundering a bit with the new 50 moves challenge and not knowing how to approach it although I was keeping up my practice. Then I had an accident and tore a ligament in my right arm leaving me unable to raise it or use the upper arm in any way without pain so I am now exploring how I can practice tai chi without the right arm or at least with very reduced mobility in it. I saw it as a challenge and opportunity straightway.

  2. Lovely words and focus Harry.
    I too have found self practice enlightening and it has sustained me through these strange times. I am continuing to work in a busy, sometimes stressful business world, based at home (alone), but have found many benefits from my increased tai chi practice. It has enabled me to feel more (feeling I mean – turning/expansion/contraction etc.), deal better with any anxieties and stresses I may have, enabled me to “find my own (head) space” and “my place”. Wonderful. Uplifting! Keep practising everyone!

  3. This is enlightening, Harry. It enables us to understand the balance within. So, glad to have Taoist Tai Chi arts to keep a focus and remain more “grounded”.

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