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The Dragon's Head Blog: From grief to joy in a moment

I have found this 3rd lockdown in England very difficult and felt bowed down with grief for our son who died 18 months ago. It’s been a struggle to do my daily practice. However,  I have forced myself to join the chanting on Saturdays and Mondays to bring some structure into my life.

During the last lunar chanting I began to feel de-stressed and at peace with myself, letting go of the negative emotions of guilt (did we do what was best for our son) and sorrow for his untimely death. The focus on chanting and the rhythmic cadences  enabled  me to lose myself in the moment which bought me some comfort. I felt joy and at one with everyone chanting and  supported by my Taoist Tai ChiTM family worldwide.

Chanting for the world worked for my world – thank you!

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