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The Dragon's Head Blog: Twentieth Anniversary Celebration and Workshop in Columbus, Ohio

The Taoist Tai Chi Society of the USA, Columbus Branch, hosted a weekend workshop March 12 and 13. The workshop celebrated 20 years of providing Taoist Tai Chi™ arts training to the central Ohio area. Forty individuals including the two instructors attended the workshop and enjoyed the ambiance of the location and the food prepared partly by branch participants along with a cake.


Everal Barn, a historic barn from the mid 1800’s, was the site of the workshop celebrating not only the 20 years of Taoist Tai Chi but also commemorating the practice hall of the original building at the International Centre near Orangeville, Ontario, Canada.

The branch would like to thank the regional instructional committee and the regional management committee which awarded this workshop to Columbus. We would also like to thank all the branch students who provided billeting and food to the workshop participants.

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