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The Dragon's Head Blog: Sweden @ CIT Week

Here we are leaving the Health Recovery Centre, the main building, outside Orangeville. People are excited and eager to get on the schoolbuses to go to this year’s International Awareness Day celebration in downtown Toronto.

11 Aug 16, CIT Week, Orangeville - Sweden


Our volunteers help with crossing the road in a safe manner at Yonge-Dundas Square.

11 Aug 16, CIT Week, Orangeville - Sweden


The dragons … what energy!  And they follow the Pearl of Wisdom!


All the countries‘ flags on the square.  What a truly international society we are!

11 Aug 16, CIT Week, Orangeville - Sweden


Practitioners of Taoist Tai Chi™ having fun while doing the 108 movements.

11 Aug 16, CIT Week, Orangeville - Sweden


Here is the cutest lion/dragon.

11 Aug 16, CIT Week, Orangeville - Sweden


Here be dragons!  🙂

Here we practice the sitting set.  It is wonderful that everybody, regardless of health issues, can all practice together.

11 Aug 16, CIT Week, Orangeville - Sweden


Finally, here is a view upon arrival at the new temple.

11 Aug 16, CIT Week, Orangeville - Sweden


– Anna (Sweden)

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