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The Dragon's Head Blog: All Souls Festival at the International Centre

The All Souls Festival is a major event in the tradition of Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chipractice, and took place at the International Centre  at the end of a week of chanting and quiet contemplation.

Each year the gate of the realm of the dead is opened for the first half of the 7th lunar month. The souls of the deceased, including any lost and hungry souls, can be blessed and receive offerings and gift packages from their families or friends during the All Souls Festival.

At this time the living can also provide their deceased families or friends paper money, paper clothing, etc. to ease their conditions in the realm of the dead. Most importantly, the souls are invited to come and listen to the chanting. We hope that these souls will listen to the wisdom in the sutras, and become free by resolving any attachment, entanglements, or conflicts they had during their lifetimes.

This is the time to pray for and comfort the souls of the deceased, and an opportunity to remember, honor and assist families and friends who have passed away, recently or a long time ago.


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