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The Dragon's Head Blog: Profound growth at the International Centre

The International Centre near Orangeville was a busy, exciting place 10 years ago at the time of the Grand Opening of the Three Religions Temple. People were everywhere, making their way to and from Chanting Ceremonies, preparing food, preparing for the arrival of more guests – all the things we still associate with the Centre. It is still a busy, exciting place and at the same time a place of stillness, quiet learning and comfort.

In the past 10 years many of us have visited the Centre – some of us repeatedly – to take advantage of the remarkable opportunity to absorb some of the learning passed to us by Master Moy. The development of the huge practice hall and meditation suites providing increased capacity for large programs and of the beautiful new Temples serving as a focus for chanting and other activities, has coincided with other kinds of growth. Personally, this has been profound. I appreciate the benefits of what we do – physical, spiritual, mental and social – more each year. As well, with more people from all over the world able to attend programs, the benefits can be seen both in the people in my home, Canada’s Atlantic Region, and in the friends I’ve made from around the world and who I see only once in a while.

At the same time as we see this personal growth, we can see growth in the organization. As our understanding grows so does our ability to help others. New people coming to classes learn much more quickly.  It is apparent not only in how easily they follow along as we do the set but also in how well they understand the organization and its goals. This is due in large part to the wonderful variety of opportunities we have for many people to come together and learn from each other, and particularly from the Directors and other experienced and respected leaders who, following Master Moy’s example, give so generously of their time and energy.

Thanks and congratulations to all on this auspicious occasion!

Steve Dingwall – Halifax, Nova Scotia


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