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The Dragon's Head Blog: Physios to get an introduction to the health benefits of tai chi

More than 50 physiotherapy staff in the Edinburgh area (UK) will attend an event showcasing the health benefits of  tai chi.

The free evening event takes place on 16 September at the National Taoist Tai Chi Centre in Edinburgh.

Jo Gordon, an occupational health physiotherapist with the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh’s staff physiotherapy service, said: ‘We were interested in options for exercise to recommend to our patients, and contacted the centre to ask if they would consider hosting a class or introductory session so we could find out more.’

She was very pleased by the response from physio staff in NHS Lothian and commented that ‘with so many physios attending it should be a great reunion’.

This particular event is now full, but the centre might run another event for physiotherapy staff.

See announcement on the website of the chartered society of physiotherapy >

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