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The Dragon's Head Blog: Many hands make light work – even from hundreds of kilometres away

As individuals we don’t have to take sole responsibility for tasks in our Taoist Tai Chi practice, and we are learning that the same applies to branches and countries. Three branches contributed to organising the International Workshop hosted in Wellington, New Zealand, this month – sharing the training and knowledge more broadly.  

Nelson branch, 125 kilometres away by air and across the sea in the South Island, and Rotorua branch, 450 kilometres away, both helped Wellington with the preparations and running of the workshop led by international instructor Tony Kwong from Toronto. We were also privileged to have Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism president Marsha Eberhardt present from Canada, along with two other Fung Lok Kok international directors – Sandra Wilson from Australia and  Shona Hayles from New Zealand.

Nelson branch found: Our experience of co-hosting this international workshop was pleasant and manageable. Careful and detailed planning ensured the smooth running of the workshop. Nelson branch was emailed a list of tasks which we discussed and distributed among ourselves. Nelson assisted with registration, meeting and greeting on Wednesday and Saturday morning, taking care of the tea, the Fenway donations table, sharing the daily duty manager role, and supporting the Wellington workshop convenor.

We all enjoyed the additional level of involvement, particularly in such tasks as registrations and meeting and greeting.

Next time we want to help more with the planning, getting a „helicopter“ view of the organisation and logistics involved, like seeing the workings of a clock. We are looking forward to more and earlier involvement in co-hosting with Wellington. Overall it was a positive experience.

Rotorua branch looked after Tony and Marsha during the workshop, and supervised the morning tea, afternoon tea, lunch and dinner dishes, plus anything else eyes saw, hands did.

Many hands make light work

Having been involved for many years with workshop organising and had help

It’s not hard to see where we can help

You don’t have to be from the hosting branch or location to help

There is always something to do to help

Don’t be scared to ask or offer to help

Don’t just think this is your time and not help

Helping each other is all part of our Taoist Tai Chi training.

Master Moy always said

Eyes See, Hands Do

So please next time

help help help

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