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The Dragon's Head Blog: International Workshop held in Portland, Oregon


The Taoist Tai Chi Society of the USA, Portland Branch, hosted an International Workshop in Portland, Oregon on September 26-27.  The Workshop had one hundred participants from nine states and Canada.  The Workshop was led by Verity Rolfe, an international instructor from Vancouver, Canada, Pacific region.

The Workshop included large and small group sessions, working on foundation exercises and parts of the set.  Towards the end of the workshop, participants joined small discussion groups to explore the meaning of Taoist Tai Chi in their lives.  Delicious meals and snacks were prepared by the kitchen team and greatly appreciated.  There was also a presentation on the progress of the renovation of the Historic Fenway Hotel into the new International Center Florida, located in Dunedin.

The Annual Western Region Management Committee held a meeting during the Workshop with reports from various branches on their current activities.  It was an opportunity for participants to learn about other branches and share successful experiences.

The Workshop participants described being physically and mentally challenged but uplifted in spirit.  The Portland Branch is grateful to host such a Workshop and to be able to share Taoist Tai Chi experiences with so many participants.

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