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The Dragon's Head Blog: International Workshop in Budapest


In early September 167 participants from 8 countries gathered together in Budapest to attend a two-day international workshop led by Joé Thibault and Louis Blaquiere.

In an easy-going and cheerful atmosphere, we had a chance to participate and enjoy a well-rounded and full program. A major focus was on the eyes, which help connect the inner and outer universe. The instructors also stressed the importance of finding the connections in the body in order to regain our flexibility, and the use of gentle force/resistance to achieve density in the movements. Sunday morning we had a chance to participate in chanting. For many it became a unique experience, because we could join our voices in unity without any special instruction. Later in the day we practiced standing meditation as well.

The workshop went smoothly because many members helped to organise and carry-out the many tasks. Hence, everyone could concentrate on practicing Tai Chi. At the end of the workshop Joé and Louis asked us to reflect on why we started Tai Chi and on how its regular practice affected our lives. This weekend helped many of us to get a better understanding of the teachings handed down by Master Moy. Our only regret was, that these two active days passed too quickly and we had to eventually say goodbye.

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