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The Dragon's Head Blog: Dunedin leaders visit us in Toronto

A group of leaders from Dunedin, the site of our new International Centre in Florida, has visited us in Toronto. Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism president Marsha Eberhardt and executive director Andrew Hung gave the American group a warm welcome, hosting them to a dim sum lunch before a tour of our headquarters at D’Arcy St. Dunedin Mayor Julie Bujalski and Dunedin Chamber of Commerce president


Lynn Wargo gave Marsha and Andrew framed pictures of our new international centre The Fenway to mark the occasion. Marsha said later: “It was a pleasure and a privilege to welcome our guests from Dunedin, Florida and share our mutual excitement over the Fenway project.” The Dunedin group also met Toronto Mayor John Tory and the Blue Jays baseball team management while they were in the city.

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