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The Dragon's Head Blog: 3-Day Program in Denmark: When home becomes even more like home!

On May 15th-17th the Taoist Tai Chi Society in Denmark hosted a 3-day program. Ankie Boumans was instructing and we worked on standing foundations, looking for example at sliding doors (for opening), clouds (for pushing gently), we did many don-yus and tor-yus as well. As well as visiting the partitions, getting a wider angle in the step, letting the hand go first and stretching between the hands.

On top of that we did lots of sets too! When the first set started on Friday morning, we were a bit anxious: would we have enough space?? For the first time we held a workshop with 60 people in our center! But we did fine – the space was tight but sufficient.

Over the 3 intense days, people worked together in the Tai Chi (to fit in the space) and worked together to do the tasks needed to create a harmonious and happy program and home. Our Tai Chi home now feels even more like home now – thank you all for coming!

Another important learning is that 60 people doing Tai Chi creates visibility! Saturday we did a demo in a mall close to the center. It was an impressive site to see 60 people moving through the neighborhood with flags and smiles. The mall has several levels, so we divided into 2 groups to do sets – it looked very impressive to see the 2 groups from the other level (see the picture). We were seen by many people, and it was a really good way to make ourselves visible.


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