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The Dragon's Head Blog: Southwest Area Visit to the International Centre, Orangeville

Thirty participants from the southwest area of the Canadian organization’s Central Region visited the International Centre on Saturday Jun 24th 2017.  For many of us this was a first visit.

What a pleasant day for a walk around the property visiting the temple, columbarium, meditation suites and the pond, but for some of us the highlight of the day was an opportunity to see a program in session.  As we were invited into the practice hall, we were greeted by Marsha Eberhardt, President of Fung Loy Kok.  Marsha introduced Susan Lundy, one of our National Directors and Tony Kwong one of our International Directors.  We were invited to walk about the practice hall for a few minutes to watch as small groups practiced a move  together.

After a delicious lunch shared with the participants of the Summer Tai Chi Week, we went back to the practice hall to do tai chi sets and some foundation exercises while participants of the program attended to their chores, and/or rested.  The visit ended at the farmhouse, checking out the merchandise.  How could we possibly leave the centre without a memento of this very first visit?


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