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The Dragon's Head Blog: Lok Hup Week at International Center Florida

We have 125 participants attending Lok Hup Week at the International Center Florida in Dunedin. We have participants from Europe, New Zealand, Costa Rica, Canada and USA. We did a demo by the water in front of the center at sunset.

Here are some comments from our participants:

Another day in paradise. – Carmen Capilla

I am very glad that I found clarity in the precise mechanics of each move.- Don

Whole body is my new big thing. – Diane Gochenaur

It transformed my Tai Chi. – Dani Thiel

Lok Hup is beyond Tai Chi. – unknown

The instruction has been wonderful and everyone seems happy. This workshop is joyful. – Laurie Farrar

Made new friends, connected with old friends, loving the Lok Hup. – Linda Reed

I have more softness in my Lok Hup set than in my Tai Chi set and I hope to bring moving the whole body to my Tai Chi set. – Mona Pinterest

Having broken my shoulder three years ago, I found that by bringing the softness of the Lok Hup to my Tai Chi, I don’t feel the pain. – Judy Melcher-King

I am so proud of myself for coming here and keeping at it. – Myung Handelman

In the past five years I have made Tai Chi a high priority in my life. But learning Lok Hup has made an even bigger difference. The 66 moves of the Lok Hup set have a special feeling of expansion, lightness, softness and peace. – Margaret Zamor

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