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The Dragon's Head Blog: The joy of being an international visitor

FLK directors Marsha Eberhardt, Tony Kwong, Sandra Wilson and Shona Hayles along with visitors from Australia, the United States, Canada and Costa Rica in Wellington.
FLK directors Marsha Eberhardt, Tony Kwong, Sandra Wilson and Shona Hayles along with visitors from Australia, the United States, Canada and Costa Rica in Wellington.

It is such a privilege to attend international workshops in your own country, but travelling to another country to participate does add further benefits: to meet fellow tai chiers and renew friendships within the group, to enjoy extra time and take a holiday maybe – but also, if you have Tai Chi related responsibilities in your own country, then a workshop elsewhere may afford an opportunity to work/play for your own practice and development.

It is interesting and refreshing to work with other members and group leaders whom you do not know so well – some variety and maybe different insights or dynamics. Travelling overseas for workshops gives one a chance to chat to others about how they achieve their successes and manage the challenges we all meet in our branches. 

So,  in summary, I have found it a great joy to learn and practise alongside members from around the world. – Margaret Blessington (Australia)

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