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The Dragon's Head Blog: International Center Florida Construction Update for November 16, 2016


Bees have decided to to join us in a tree located behind the house.  They are hard working aggressive honey bees according to the beekeepers we have asked to come out to move them. One of our participants, Steve Klar, of Klar and Klar Architects, is also a beekeeper. He and his friend set up a box to draw the bees away from the tree. The bees are going into the box and we hope the queen will follow soon. The bees have not bothered any of our participants or workshop attendees but do seem to be growing in numbers. We will keep you updated on the progress.














Our resident owl is still in the elevator shaft and as we slowly come closer to closing up the third floor roof we felt it was time to move her to a new temporary home. The branch contacted members of the St Petersburg Audubon Society who came and looked at her yesterday. They said she was a female screech owl and they would come back and net her closer to the roof completion date. They would then keep her until the openings in the building were sealed and release her back in this area.












Building A, The Historic Fenway Hotel

Construction has begun on the west wing roof. Cupolas are being rebuilt to their original specifications and fresh air intake curbs are being installed.

Plumbing Work

Plumbers are working to connect upper floors to the floors below.

Mechanical Work

Duct work has been approved and will be insulated next week in the northeast wing. Copper tubes connect the chiller pipes to the heat pumps in each room on the southwest wing.

Site Work

Shrubs are being removed to make way for the new parking lots for the hotel. New trees and shrubs will be planted.

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