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The Dragon's Head Blog: Chinese New Year Celebration in Pleasant Hill, California

The Taoist Tai Chi Society of the USA San Francisco Bay Area branch members celebrated the Year of the Dog in Pleasant Hill, California . The 100 plus members with family and friends dined on a traditional Chinese New Year eight-course banquet.

Entertainment was provided throughout the celebration. Allison is performing Bach for our youngest member.


To celebrate the Year of Dog Florentia sang about Old Blue with Dr. Blues accompanying her on harmonica.

Entertainment also included Dr. Blues performing a medley of dog songs (Police Dog Blues by Blind Arthur Blake and a Dr. Blues version of Hound Dog with references to yoga’s downward dog and toryus and donyus)


Members chopped vegetables during the week prior to Sunday’s celebration to make Buddha’s Delight, a traditional Chinese New Year vegetarian dish.


Buddha’s Delight marinating


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