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The Dragon's Head Blog: Atlantic Region Beginner Weekend in Canada

Another successful beginner weekend was held on January 30 and 31 at the Atlantic Region Centre.  These weekends, more and more popular, provide an excellent opportunity for new participants to experience immediately many of the things we do together: practicing the 108 moves, setting up for meals, cooking, and cleaning up.  As we are fortunate to have a high shrine, we can also share the wonderful significance that the elements displayed there have for us.  There was much interest in the shrine.  At breaks our new participants were able to look more closely and learn more about it.

During the Sunday lunch break continuing participants who came to join the new folks in their practice planned to clean the shrine and polish the brass to have it ready for our Chinese New Year celebrations the following weekend.  The work was begun, and as the new participants finished lunch and clean up tasks they spontaneously came to the shrine to help.  With so many busy hands, the shrine was gleaming long before it was time to begin the afternoon session. We all went back to practice very happy with the results of our work together.01BB1E6A111A4157A339912A591E62D3  59BB722506334B4B9EB82D6FB00530DE

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