The Dragon's Head Blog: Seasonal Celebrations at the European Centre
On Friday evening at the European Centre in Colchester the weekend’s activities began with chanting the “Ten Thousand Bhuddas” sutra for the Autumn Moon Festival.
This was followed on Saturday morning with over a hundred participants taking part in our last intensive of the year. Everyone joined in with the karaoke dan-yus singing “Jingle Bells” and “Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer”. We also heard stories from a number of people who had recently returned from workshops held at the Fenway.
The practice hall was then transformed into a wonderful Dining Hall with 120 hungry people enjoying roasted chestnuts, vegetable chips, and mulled fruit punch before sitting down to a traditional Roast Lunch with all the trimmings.

At the close there was a boisterous rendition of the carol “Twelve Days of Christmas” before we set about tidying up and heading home.