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The Dragon's Head Blog

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Jobban kapcsolódom

Jobban kapcsolódom

Jöttek a korlátozások, elmaradtak a foglalkozások, és minden megszokott rutin elveszett. Nem találtam a helyem. Mindennapi sorozatomat szokás szerint csináltam, de a végére könnycseppek gördültek végig az arcomon, miközben azért nyugodtnak éreztem magam. Ez összezavart. Most mit tegyek? Úgy döntöttem, inkább hagyom a sorozatokat, és visszatérek a kezdetekhez – csak az alapgyakorlatokra koncentrálok. Közben elkezdődtek […]
From grief to joy in a moment

From grief to joy in a moment

I have found this 3rd lockdown in England very difficult and felt bowed down with grief for our son who died 18 months ago. It’s been a struggle to do my daily practice. However,  I have forced myself to join the chanting on Saturdays and Mondays to bring some structure into my life. During the last […]


    Life at the moment is full of emotion and grief and Taoist Tai ChiTM arts have been an absolute saviour. My first “light bulb” moment happened when I was doing A Danyu challenge.  I did forty danyus and then the next ten slowly, really concentrating in pushing with the feet and allowing the […]
Carry on regardless

Carry on regardless

I have been practicing Taoist Tai ChiTM arts for a number of years. I had been encouraged by a friend to give it a go, and I’m still giving it a go. One of the wonderful features of Taoist Tai Chi is that you are always ‘giving it a go’ you can never say that’s […]
Chanting messages

Chanting messages

I would like to say a big „thank you” for the Chanting sessions on Zoom.  My Tai Chi journey started in October 2018 when I went along to my first beginners class. I found it challenging to maintain my practice since the classes were paused.  I have had the time to be able to reflect […]
Finding direction in different ways

Finding direction in different ways

When you practice by yourself, there’s no-one else to rely on – you have to be your own instructor! My lovely instructors both said ‘Find a move or something to improve, and make it your Tai Chi Lockdown Challenge’! I decided that mine would be to learn the entire set!  Although I have been practicing for […]
Letting go…more

Letting go…more

As I practice during this lockdown I’ve learnt some amazing things. First, to let go, something I thought I had already achieved! Being told to self-isolate after returning home from Brazil, and then going into lockdown made me so very cross, as I had already been doing tai chi on my own for some time […]
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